An interview with Harald Wagener, Head of Cloud and IT at the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité A project headed by the Berlin Charité aims to make data from our smartwatches and fitness apps usable for personalised therapies. The team responsible, led by Harald Wagener, Head of Cloud and…Read More
Collaboration between Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS) and IDunion Gaia-X creates an open, federated digital ecosystem for data infrastructure for decentralized cloud and edge workloads and data sharing capabilities. As part of the core services, the so-called Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS) are targeting the areas of Identity & Trust, Federated Catalogue,…Read More
Gaia-X had a strong presence with its booth at this year’s show, attracting interest from government and industry. June 8, 2022 – Brussels, Belgium: Gaia-X, an organization that promotes data sovereignty, had an exhibition space from May 30 to June 2, 2022 at Hannover Messe, the world’s largest industrial trade…Read More
Sovereign Cloud Stack and Gaia-X Federation Services provide an open source toolbox for Gaia-X. The two Gaia-X projects Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS) and Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS), which are funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, are combined and tested together on open infrastructure in…Read More
GXFS-DE has started to produce a series of explainer videos. Currently, the focus is on the five work packages of Gaia-X Federation Services: Identity & Trust Federated Catalog Sovereign Data Exchange Compliance Portal & Integration The videos provide insights and explain the functionality and goals for a non-technical audience. What…Read More
Developing digital added value via the cloud so that technology also comes more naturally to SMEs: How the cloud is driving the digitalization of industry and society. And what video calls and Gaia-X have in common – at Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt, the Internet and cloud computing industry discussed trust…Read More
An interview with Jann Wendt, CEO, and Marispace-X consortium partner Over 70 Gaia-X pilot use cases are currently developing the technical requirements for Europe’s future cloud ecosystem. The consortium for “Smart Maritime Sensor Data Space X”, or Marispace-X for short, is exploring what is probably the most inaccessible of…Read More
GXFS-DE has today published an explanatory video on the Gaia-X Federation Services Work Package 1, Identity & Trust. The video is intended to give interested parties a short and understandable insight into the complex technical topic around identity management in the context of Gaia-X. For further information on GXFS-DE, we…Read More
SSI Whitepaper: Gaia-X secure and trustworthy ecosystems with Self Sovereign Identity
As part of the Gaia-X Federation Services project, a new Whitepaper titled “Gaia-X secure and trustworthy ecosystems with Self Sovereign Identity” was published today. The Whitepaper draws attention to the important role of the so-called Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) concept in the Gaia-X ecosystem. The concept of self-sovereign digital identity ensures…Read More