The knowledge base is the collection of all relevant information and materials around GXFS.
Here you will find short overviews in the form of info sheets as well as our studies, white papers and brochures.
Fact Sheets
GXFS Toolbox
In this two page document you can discover the functionalities behind our different Gaia-X Federation Services Work Packages at a glance:
- Identity & Trust
- Sovereign Data Exchange
- Federated Catalogue
- Compliance
- Portal & Integration
Delta Study: Progress and Challenges in Implementing Gaia-X Federation Services
This study, designed as a continuation of the study “Strategies for building Gaia-X ecosystems using Gaia-X Federation Services”, provides insights into the current status and challenges of GXFS implementation in various funding projects.
Gaia-X Acceptance in the Market
A recent survey conducted on behalf of the GXFS project, coordinated by eco – Asociassion of the Internet Industry, showed that Gaia-X is widely accepted by companies and is perceived as extremely positive. All results were summarized and explained in this study.
Strategies for Building Gaia-X Ecosystems With the Help of the Gaia-X Federation Services
In the beginning of 2022, a total of eleven consortia were selected by the German government to be trailblazers and implement the Gaia-X concept in various domains. A study conducted by the Gaia-X Federation Services project shows that some projects have already begun their implementation work, whilst others have yet to define technical requirements of their future Federation. Read the English short version of the study to get an insight into how the conceptual work around the Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS) is progressing.
DID Whitepaper: Self Sovereign Identities and their Evolution
The latest GXFS Whitepaper “Analysing the SSI World” sheds light on the world of Self Sovereign Identities (SSI) as a key concept in the Gaia-X and GXFS ecosystem. The Whitepaper provides comprehensive insights and emphasises the importance of broad engagement to advance the SSI concept.
Kritis Whitepaper: Gaia-X Ecosystems can be critical Infrastructure
This Whitepaper explains, which IT infrastructures and services are to be classified as so-called “critical infrastructure” and which rules operators of critical infrastructures have to follow in the context of Gaia-X.
SD Whitepaper: Self-Description of Resources, Service Offerings and Participants within Gaia-X Ecosystems
The Whitepaper explains the use of so-called Self-Descriptions in the context of future Gaia-X Federations. Self-Descriptions will serve as a source of information including descriptions of participants and their service offerings.
SSI Whitepaper: Gaia-X secure and trustworthy ecosystems with Self Sovereign Identity
This whitepaper explains the key concerns, architecture, and principles of the Self-Sovereign Identity concept applied in the Gaia-X ecosystem. Self-Sovereign Digital Identity ensures secure and trustworthy digitization in the decentralized ecosystem that Gaia-X is aiming for.
GXFS Whitepaper: Gaia-X Ecosystem Kickstarter
This Whitepaper explains the Gaia-X Federation Services’ concept from a broader Gaia-X project perspective. It introduces the reader to the Gaia-X project; elaborates why Federation Services are key to deliver Gaia-X’s ambitions and provide an overview of different Federation Services for a non-technical audience.
Gaia-X Vision & Strategy
This document provides a high-level overview of the core elements of the Gaia-X initiative. It goes through the vision and mission of Gaia-X, key questions, the core values, and the benefit it produces for the different types of stakeholders that are involved. It then expands on the mission, the scope, the key deliverables, and the strategic plan of the project.
Gaia-X Magazine
The Gaia-X magazine is a quarterly journal publishing the finest research in the data space ecosystem following our collaboration with our members, management board, board of directors and external researchers. The magazine presents original work characterised by multifaceted articles of interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance, and surprising conclusions, aiming to provide rapid, authoritative, insightful, and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting our data space ecosystem.