The second Phase of the XFSC specification builds upon the groundwork laid in GXFS specification Phase 1 and aligns with the principles of the Gaia-X Trust Framework 22.10. The recently defined specifications and supplementary requirements apply to these specific components and are currently subject to a tendering procedure: TRAIN We…Read More
Service-Meister and deltaDAO AG announce GXFS-based collaboration. The Service-Meister consortia, represented by eco – Association of the Internet Industry as consortia lead and deltaDAO AG have agreed to join forces to shape the future of AI and sovereign federated data ecosystems. The agreed collaboration aims to increase ecosystem interoperability and…Read More
An interview with Helko Lehmann, Director of Innovation, IMC AG It’s not only the health system that’s facing numerous challenges in digitalisation; our education system is also struggling with countless obstacles. In this interview, consortium leader Helko Lehmann explains how the Gaia-X funded project MERLOT is developing a secure data…Read More
For the second time, the leading minds of the Gaia-X scene met in Berlin on 5 and 6 September 2023 for GXFS Connect. While in 2022 the focus was still on the idea behind the initiative and the start of the German funded projects, this year more than 40 speakers…Read More

Open Source pays off: 7 good reasons to get involved – even without financial support
Whether it’s the Internet, social networks or cloud platforms: Our digital infrastructure runs on open-source software. Europe’s new data ecosystem Gaia-X is also being developed using open-source technology. But in our conversations, we repeatedly encounter a wait-and-see attitude towards participating in open-source projects: What’s the benefit for us? Why not…Read More
In the context of the GXFS project activities and technological alignment with the recent developments of the Gaia-X Community/AISBL, the next set of tender has been published. With these tenders, the GXFS project is looking for potential implementation partners, who are able to implement the updated technical specifications for existing GXFS components…Read More

Gaia-X Federation Services toolbox moves under the Governance of the Eclipse Foundation
The Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS-DE) project has been moved under the governance of the Eclipse Foundation where the GXFS components are maintained under the project Eclipse XFSC (Cross Federation Services Components). The XFSC components are still published under Apache License 2.0 and all technical specifications and related documents are available…Read More
The programme for the annual conference GXFS Connect taking place on 5 and 6 September 2023 in Berlin is now public: In discussion panels, keynotes and through networking opportunities, participants will exchange experiences and know-how on the advancements of Gaia-X e.g. through exchange with the Gaia-X funded projects and lighthouse…Read More

The Eclipse Foundation Takes Over Gaia-X Federation Services: More Cross-Linking for Communities for Digital Sovereignty
An interview with Michael Plagge, Ecosystem Development Director, Eclipse Foundation Almost all open-source digital sovereignty projects are now with Europe’s largest open-source foundation. In future, the Eclipse Foundation will also moderate the developer community for the Gaia-X Federation Services. According to Michael Plagge, Ecosystem Development Director, the individual projects are…Read More