When Hannover Messe, the world’s leading industrial trade fair, opens its doors from 17-21 April 2023, the eco Association and Gaia-X Federation Services will be on site. In Hall 8, Stand D26, they will present themselves as a ‘toolbox’ for the operation of federated Gaia-X ecosystems. Shaping the future data infrastructure together –…Read More
An interview with Bruno Ristok, Computer und Software GmbH Whether with MS-DOS, the Apple Newton or Gaia-X – for 40 years, C&S Computer and Software has been digitising the healthcare industry. In an interview, Managing Director Bruno Ristok now presents his work in the TEAM-X project. Which role the focus…Read More
Meet the eco Association and the GXFS-DE project team at Cloud Expo Europe in Frankfurt on 10-11 May 2023 and experience Gaia-X live at the “Gaia-X Stage powered by eco”. Our experts will answer the questions of the fair attendees at the eco and Gaia-X booths and share their knowledge…Read More
The German funded project GXFS-DE released the first video in a series of scenario videos designed to show in a simple and understandable way how the launch of a Gaia-X federation can succeed using the Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS). The scenario videos are intended to convey the complex technical concepts…Read More
An interview with Emma Wehrwein, Project Lead GXFS The momentum for Gaia-X is growing steadily. More and more companies and teams across Europe are joining the initiative. The first pilot projects are underway. But the complexity also gives rise to a lot of questions. Insider Emma Wehrwein from eco –…Read More
How is Gaia-X managing to make the leap forward from working groups and concept papers? Answers are provided by a study commissioned by eco – Association of the Internet Industry. Five facts, that demonstrate just how far the preliminary work on the first Gaia-X data spaces has progressed. Impression from…Read More
As a Europe-wide initiative Gaia-X attracts a lot of attention. However, the structure of Gaia-X, its aspects and associated sub-projects often pose a challenge for interested parties. With the format “Inside Gaia-X”, the Platform Industry 4.0 and the Gaia-X Hub Austria help Austrian companies and organisations to obtain or maintain…Read More
This GXFS online survey (only in German), launched today, is designed to draw a picture of the current state of knowledge and expectations of Gaia-X in the market. Both factors are crucial for the acceptance of the initiative by different stakeholders and therefore also essential for the success of Gaia-X…Read More
Gaia-X, the organisation championing data sovereignty, announces their virtual Hackathon #5 on 26 and 27 September 2022. The two-day event is dedicated to the collaborative technical implementation of Gaia-X. This edition will implement a real-life end-to-end scenario leveraging the Gaia-X Open-Source Software and the Trust Framework. It will demonstrate why a federation brings…Read More