Gaia-X is just entering a critical phase: the sponsored projects are at the halfway point, and in less than two years’ time they aim to present operational solutions. At the same time, we are switching from contract production to community growth in our work on the Gaia-X Federation Services’ code….Read More
Create more value digitally and give more weight to Europe as a data location: Gaia-X is driving the shift from a product-centric to a data-centric world. At Cloud Expo Europe, the IT industry discussed why the economy and society need cloud technology. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an energy crisis,…Read More
Gaia-X is widely accepted and positively perceived by companies. This is one result of the survey “Acceptance of Gaia-X” commissioned by eco – Association of the Internet Industry and Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS). There is already a great understanding regarding the added values of Gaia-X and the associated opportunities to…Read More
An Interview with Kai Meinke, Co-Founder and Business Lead at deltaDAO e.V. The Mobility Competence Group will meet on 26 April in Wolfsburg under the motto Urban Mobility–Interaction of IoT and Mobility for the Implementation of Mobility Solutions (a German-language event). In the run-up to the event, we spoke to…Read More
From 17-21 April 2023, around 130,000 visitors in Hannover could see first-hand just how well Gaia-X has taken off. During the trade fair, a large number of interested visitors came to the joint “Plattform Industrie 4.0” stand to learn how the Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS) and many other Gaia-X projects…Read More
On the occasion of the Hannover Messe, the Internet industry is calling for clear framework conditions from politicians for the sharing of data in the industry. The motto of this year’s Hannover Messe is “Industrial Transformation”, but in the opinion of many IT experts, this is an area where the…Read More
Data-based disease detection and treatment – Europe is on the way to a Health Union. How Gaia-X lets us live longer independently. And why artificial intelligence, vitamin D and calcium are enough to save billions in treatment costs. Osteoporosis makes bones porous and makes them break easily. In Germany alone,…Read More
Beer is best exchanged in JSON format and should only be served to credibly authorised recipients – this is not the sound of the new digital version of the Youth Protection Act, but from a practical “tasting” session with Gaia-X Federation Services (GXFS). For two days, IT experts virtually and…Read More
An interview with Andreas Weiss, GXFS Project Lead and Head of Digital Business Models at eco e.V. Gaia-X is taking shape. Andreas Weiss, GXFS Project Lead and Head of Digital Business Models division at eco – Association of the Internet Industry, talks in an interview on the further development of…Read More