How Gaia-X promotes Smart City

3 questions for Matthias Brucke, founder and Managing Director, embeteco

Gaia-X can reduce costs in the long term and create new business opportunities, says Matthias Brucke in an interview. The founder and Managing Director of embeteco will be speaking on the panel at the GXFS Connect Conference in Berlin on 8 September about the exchange with Gaia-X Hub DE Domains.

Mr Brucke, how will users ultimately benefit from Gaia-X?

One of the central issues in a digital world is interoperability. This is only warranted if technical systems communicate with each other and data can be exchanged and used. Currently, however, it is often the case that for each new solution a new adapter has to be built to flange it to an existing system. The framework concepts of Gaia-X and the concept of data spaces, in which the meta-information on the data or the regulatory aspects are also addressed, make it easier to develop possible solutions or to make data available to others. This will be reflected in the long-term reduction of costs but also in the opportunity for new business.

What future use cases do you expect?

In the Smart City / Smart Region domain, in particular, I expect that applications in the field of sector coupling will benefit. Wherever different domains are to be interconnected, different technical and regulatory requirements apply, making such systems extremely complex and expensive. In an ideal world where Gaia-X data spaces of the different sectors are running productively, interconnecting and linking different domains into a Smart City / Smart Region System of Systems would be easier than today. 

What requirements must Gaia-X and GXFS fulfil for this to happen?

The central requirement for technical systems is trustworthiness, otherwise they will not be accepted and not used. This trust is achieved through transparency, reliability, safety, and security. However, an economic aspect is also relevant for systems to establish themselves on the market in the long term. The systems must lead to cost savings or new business opportunities. 

Mr Brucke, thank you very much for the interview! 

On 8 September at 3:30 pm, as part of GXFS Connect 2022, a German-language event, Matthias Brucke (embeteco) will discuss with Tina Siegfried (Dataport), Prof. Dr Steffen Warmbold (Association of Consulting Engineers), Oliver Warweg (Fraunhofer IOSB) and Prof. Dr Frank Köster (DLR). 

View the full agenda of GXFS Connect 2022 

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