The Federation Services software provided by Gaia-X AISBL, is to be seen as the implementation toolbox providing for the minimum technical requirements to empower a Federation to become operational. The Federation Services toolbox defines a range of services necessary to fulfil the Gaia-X’s objective of building trust and interoperability, and ensuring Participants retain sovereignty over their data.
The Gaia-X Federation Services are developed as open source and will be made available for Code artefacts according to Apache Software License v2 (ASL2) and NonCode artefacts according to Creative Commons License with Attribution “CC-BY”. On this basis, user groups can organise themselves independently as part of Gaia-X, provided they comply with the corresponding rules. The result enables communities to build up innovative, federated, and interoperable ecosystems for data and services.
The eco – Association of the Internet Industry is acting as Project Management Office to support the specification and development of the Gaia-X Federation Services with partners in direct consultation with user groups to meet related requirements where applicable. The project is funded by the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy.