Meet the Gaia-X Projects

COOPERANTS is the world’s only collaborative alliance of industry, SMEs and research institutes in the Aeronautics and space sector that solves pressing digital collaboration problems by creating a common data space. For this purpose, COOPERANTS develops and operates a digital infrastructure according to Gaia-X standards for the low-barrier exchange of heterogeneous data from individual system landscapes as well as for the operation of new, collaborative smart services. As a result, the aerospace industry will increase the efficiency of data sharing, reduce blind services, project costs as well as risks of failure, and lower the barriers to entry for innovative digital data services and additional partners.

EuroDaT stands for the European Data Trustee with a unique data transaction principle that ensures the secure and legally compliant exchange of data between any parties and enables independent analyses of shared data. EuroDaT was developed as part of a funding project of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Based on four practical use cases, an international consortium has been working on the legal and technological requirements since January 2022, to lay the foundations for the operations of the data trustee. As a result, the EuroDaT GmbH is now available to specify and carry out commercial data transaction business cases.

GAIA-X 4 PLC-AAD / GAIA-X 4 Future Mobility
The project family Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility is located in the domain Mobility of the Gaia-X Hub Germany. The focus of the 6 projects is on the Gaia-X-based implementation of future mobility applications. Due to the product proximity of the applications, data-based networking with manufacturers, suppliers, service providers and users is particularly important. Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility involves around 80 players from all application, research and thematic areas of mobility, especially information and communication technologies. The projects address issues of distributed data and service infrastructures based on Gaia-X. They contribute significantly to the development of Gaia-X characterized applications in the field of mobility.

Gaia-X Hub Germany
The Gaia-X Hub Germany is the first point of contact for all companies, organizations and interested parties in Germany who want to learn more about or participate in the project. As a voice and consolidating body, it offers German companies and market participants the opportunity for information, exchange and networking. The German Gaia-X Hub is committed to providing low-threshold access to these promising structures and technologies for all stakeholders from a wide range of sectors.

Based on the decisions of citizens, health data will be implemented in a legitimized, open and federated dataLOFT platform and made accessible according to Gaia-X standards. The data platforms and integrated services which are to be developed shall enable the individual use of data and develop individual business models for the German-European health industry. The objective is to develop transparent cloud-based applications in the healthcare market with leading representatives in highly relevant areas of healthcare.

The MERLOT funding project will create specially protected educational data spaces and services within the Gaia-X ecosystem. These ensure that the owners of educational data always retain sovereignty over their data and can make it available to other users or services in an interoperable manner as required. Learners, schools, public institutions, administrations or companies are thus enabled to exchange educational data in a GDPR-compliant manner and to share it in a controlled manner without having to conclude separate individual agreements with each participant. This facilitates the interaction of the actors in federal systems and opens up new possibilities in the processing of highly sensitive educational data.

Marispace-X is the key maritime digitalization project in Europe with a focus on industrial applications. Together with all partners we want to create a shared virtual space for all available maritime data for the first time and thus enable new business models always against the background of defined federated services and European values. This will make a significant contribution to the development of the Blue Economy.

In industry, the complexity of plants, equipment and products often exceeds the knowledge of individual employees. The shortage of skilled workers additionally accelerates the associated problem of increasingly complex technical service. Service-Meister is developing a platform that enables less specialized employees to take on demanding tasks in the maintenance and repair of complex industrial equipment. The AI-based services provided are designed to predict potential incidents and suggest courses of action.

TEAM-X is working to make health data that is difficult to access more available to patients and care providers such as doctors or nurses. Based on Gaia-X – according to ethical, legal, and social aspects – systems are developed to improve prevention, predication and personalization for all parties involved. The data, under the sovereignty of the patients, will be stored securely and its use will be fully documented. Access will be possible from any end device and data release for research purposes will be realized.